Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing Toward Innovation: A Study of Electronic Industry of Iran
Reza Asgharian, Mahmood Zohoori, Maryam Malakouti, Omid Attarnezhad
Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 1(1), pp. 55-64.

Extant research have postulated that innovation has vital role in developing industries, and it can be boosted by knowledge sharing. This research tries to explore the main factors influencing knowledge sharing in electronic industry of Iran. At the end, 9 factors were highlighted based on the 122 managers’ opinion from 18 largest companies.

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Asgharian et al. (2013). Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing Toward Innovation: A Study of Electronic Industry of Iran. Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 1(1), pp. 55-64.

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Reza Asgharian
PhD Student
Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development (FPPSM)
University Technology Malaysia (UTM)

Mahmood Zohoori
Master of environmental technology management
Faculty of Engineering

Maryam Malakouti
PhD Student
Perdana School of science Technology and Innovation
University Technology Malaysia (UTM)

Omid Attarnezhad
MBA, IBS, University Technology Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Selangor