Planning and Profit Sharing in Overlay WiFi and LTE Systems toward 5G Networks
Danielle Saliba, Rodrigue Imad, Sebastien Houcke, Bachar El Hassan

Nowadays, with the increasing demand for data traffic and with the massive foreseen deployment of the Internet of Things (IOT), higher data rates and capacity are required in mobile networks. While Heterogenous Networks (HetNets) are under study toward 5G technology, Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) Access Points (APs) are considered a potential layer within those multiple Radio Access Technologies (RATs). For this purpose, we propose in this paper a novel WiFi dimensioning method, to offload data traffic from Long Term Evolution (LTE) to WiFi, to ensure a balanced traffic between both networks. This dimensioning method, calculates the remaining available capacity of the WiFi network based on the estimated load of each WiFi physical layer channel, by considering the channels overlapping characteristic, thus calculating the minimum needed number of WiFi APs that ensure same or better throughput for the transferred LTE heavy users. Having the minimum needed WiFi APs that will support LTE, we estimate then the profit sharing between LTE and WiFi by considering data bundles subscription revenues and the infrastructure capital and operational costs. We calculate for each network the profit share using a coalition game theory Shapley value that pinpoints the benefit of the cooperation using the proposed dimensioning method.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jcsit.v7n2a3