Electronic Books Impact Global Environment—an Empirical Study Focus on User Perspectives
Chiang-nan Chao, Yingchuan Wang, Frankie Changli Wang

This study examines the differences in behavior perspectives between the users of e-books and printed books. The study focuses on a range of behavioral issues about e-book adoptions. These managerial issues will not only be strategic to the publishing industry and the paper industry’s bottom lines, but will also impact our future environment. The study finds the respondents spent slightly more time on reading printed books compare to e-books. Digital books, however, have significant advantages in many aspects over the printed books. Although e-book adoption is a rapidly growing trend, it still lacks some of the advantages of the traditional printed books, e.g. there are many different and incompatible platforms for the usage of e-books, and the consumers do not need to have the concern of a copyright for printed books. The findings of this preliminary study suggest that publishers may need to promote e-books more aggressively and not only as a way to reduce the cost, but also as a way to preserve our global environment.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jcsit.v8n1a2