Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 1(1), pp. 01-31.
The present article discuses the problems of new Unitary Quantum Theory in its applications to the different aspects of the reality. There are spectacular examples of such applications.
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Sapogin, G. Leo., Dzhanibekov, V. A., & Ryabov, A. Yu.(2013). Contemporary Problems of Sciences in the View of Unitary Quantum Theory. Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 1(1), pp. 01-31.
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Sapogin Leo Georgy, professor Scientist. Mother--Pechorina Anna (1909), father--Sapogin Georgy (1905). Born on October 22, 1936 in Orel City, Russia; married Dr. of Medicine Natsouk Vera; Father of Anastasya (1977), Grandfather of Sonya Gol’tsova (1999).Now Sonya is most loved creature. Professor Sapogin now lives in Moscow, Russia.
L.Sapogin liked physics, mathematics and classical music from his young schooldays at common Taganrog school. He began in 1954 to study in Taganrog Radiotechnical University and graduated (Dept. of solid state physics) in 1959. He served during his military service from 1959 to 1972 at Ministry of Defence as scientific adviser. Candidate of science (1966). He maintained (1971) the doctor thesis in Leningrad State University. Since 1972 to 1985, he was the Head of Theoretical Department in Russia Academy of Science. Since 1985 till present he is the Head of Physical Department of Technical University (MADI-Moscow).
The science and scientific literature were the main objects of Prof.Sapogin’s creative activity together with activity as an educator. He is the author of numerous (over 180) published scientific articles, books, school supplies. He obtained (with V.Boichenko), first, very important scientific result: calculating (with accuracy more 0.3%) of the electrical electron charge and of the fine structure constant -1/137. He published in USA and Russia (together with prof. Yu.Ryabov and V.Boichenko) the book named “Unitary Quantum Theory and New Source of Energy”. Together with prof. Yu.A.Ryabov were compute masses of many elementary particles with the accuracy of 0.1-0.003%! It s amazing that in the calculated spectrum of masses there is a particle mass about 131.7 GeV that could be called Higgs boson.
Professor L.Sapogin is a member of Russian Academy of Natural Science and World Academy of Complex Safety. He was honored with 7 medals and Orders.
In addition to his interest in science and classical music, Professor L.Sapogin has an interest in mountaineering. During 1956-1996, he had more as 150 mountain ascending in Caucases, Tyan-Schan, Pamir and Alps.
V. A. Dzhanibekov
Department of Cosmophysics
Tomsk State Univesity
36 Lenina st., 634050
Tomsk, Russia
Yu. A. Ryabov
Department of Mathematics
Technical University (MADI)
64 Leningradsky pr., A-319, 125319
Moscow, Russia
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