Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 1(1), pp. 32-45.
Globalization and liberalization have facilitated intensive business competition which in turn has increased the need for adoption of new technologies to increase the efficiency in service delivery. ICT has wide application in public services: in administration, in the educational system, in the health care sector, and in transportation. This study however focused on education sector specifically in secondary schools in Kiambu county in Kenya. Despite ICT efficiency, potential and seamless role in improving productivity and knowledge transfer in social, economic and political pillars of development, it’s adoption in High schools in Kenya has remained low and limited. The study adopted a descriptive research design approach and targeted all the public and private High schools in Thika district in Kiambu county in Kenya. The findings shows a positive association between the pace of ICT adoption and high infrastructure costs, pace of ICT adoption and inadequate internet connectivity, pace of ICT adoption and absence of clear policy guidelines in public and private High schools in Thika District leading to low ICT usage causing delay of actual technology integration in schools. This study suggests and recommends that; Basic infrastructure acquisition and support guidelines be availed to schools. Equally the School ICT infrastructure be tax waived or zero rated to address costs of ICT facilities and connectivity to enhance the ICT adoption and improve quality of services and knowledge dissemination through ICT diffusion in High schools and athwart the entire education sector.
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Nchunge, Mbabu David., Sakwa, Dr. Maurice., & Mwangi, Prof. Waweru. (2013). Assessment of ICT Infrastructure on ICT Adoption in Educational Institutions: A Descriptive Survey of Secondary Schools in Kiambu County Kenya. Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 1(1), pp. 32-45.
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Mr. David Mbabu Nchunge Biography ( Corresponding Author)
David M. Nchunge is a National School Senior teacher of Physics and Mathematics at Mang’u High Kenya. His career spans both Information Communication and Technology ( ICT ) and Education Science. At the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology- Kenya he concurrently earned an M.Sc. Degree in ICT Policy and Regulation and CCNA I and II Certificates in 2012, and a post graduate diploma in ICT management at Institute of Advanced Technology Kenya 2013. Nchunge went to Moi University for undergraduate degree in Education Science and awarded B. Ed science of second class honors in 1999.
In 1999 September he started his teaching career at Materi Girls Center for two years before joining Thigaa high school where he served for seven years. Upon completion of his Master of Science course work he was promoted to a Senior teacher level and appointed to serve at Mang’u National School. Nchunge is currently engaging University of Nairobi , school of computing and informatics as pre-requisite of enrolment for doctor of philosophy Ph.D studies of ICT Regulation with philosophical area of interest as influence in cyber space – the relationship between Information Provenance, Trust and Identity within the context of cyber influence.
Contacts: Mobile: 0721332742, P.O.BOX314–01000, Thika Kenya.
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Sakwa M. Maurice Biography.
Sakwa holds a Bachelors (Kenyatta University, Kenya), Oxford Special Diploma in Social Sciences (Oxford, UK), Master (University of East Anglia, UK) and Doctorate (Radbound University Nijmegen, the Netherlands). Currently senior lecturer Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, School for Human Resource Development at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology ( JKUAT ), Kenya. Sakwa has co-authored several journal articles in the areas of development, business ICT and society. He has also authored a book in the area of development. His academic research and interests spans technology and development, ICT and society, development economics among others. He has a long span in teaching and research at the university level.

Prof Waweru R. Mwangi Biography Prof. Waweru did Bachelor degree in Mathematics at Kenyatta University (Kenya) in 1989, then MSc in Operation Research in Shanghai University (China) in 1995, followed by PhD in Systems and Information Engineering in Hokkaido University (Japan) in 2004. He is currently an Associate professor at the Department of Computing, Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology in JKUAT. His research areas include; systems modelling and development, smart agent computing, simulation and ICT policy formulation. Information about JKUAT can be found at
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