The Role of Leadership Theories in Information Technology Acceptance "Case Study at Al-Hikma Pharmaceutical Company"
Dr. Ibrahim Issa Abu-Nahleh

The leadership literature is voluminous and much of it is confusing and contradictory. In order to make our way through this ‘forest’, I will consider a number of theories to explaining what makes an effective leader in order to connect leadership and the acceptance of information technology. The key to achieving sustainable change success is to have excellence in leadership at all organization levels. So as a change leader you can make a great difference to the success of your team by your leadership. I suggest that a change leader could make a real difference to the effectiveness of his team by adopting john Adair model which is very useful model in project management context and any change happened in organization we could consider it as a project. This research aims at exploring how both individual and organizational factors that influence Information Technology acceptance by top managers, employees Staff at al- Hikma headquarter.

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