Generating the PIM Behavioral Model from the CIM using QVT
Najiba Addamssiri, Abdelouhaed Kriouile, Youssef Balouki, Gadi Taoufiq

The software process based on the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is constructed from a set of transformation sequences. In the context of MDA, we have defined an approach based on two kinds of transformation: The first one is the horizontal transformations in the Computation Independent Model (CIM) level between the Business Process Model and Notation and the Use Case Diagram (UCUML) with her textual description (TD). These transformations provide two entry points into MDA and ensure the refinement of the CIM high level. The Second type is the vertical transformation from CIM to behavioral model of Platform Specific Model (PIM) level represented by the System Sequence Diagram (UML-SSD). We have developed a set of rules using Query/View/Transformation language, and we have automated these steps to automatically generate the UML-SSD diagram from the UC-UML and its textual description structured with Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules standard which are in turn obtained automatically from the BPMN. Our approach was applied in an e-library books system. The application of our proposal shows that our automatic process can be used to obtain a set of useful artifacts for software development processes. The applicability of the approach is exhibited via one case study.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jcsit.v2n3-4a4